Garden update
Courgettes and Tomatoes in the way hopefully!
#gardening #tomatoes #courgette
@armelleskitchen You need courgettes? I have eleventy million. Take them. Take them all.
@psneeze I don’t want yours I want mine!
@armelleskitchen You can have both.
@armelleskitchen Those tomatoes look enormous!
@Littlun007 they’re tiny cherry tomato size, they’re only starting to come out
@armelleskitchen I grew some mini cherry tomatoes once, and there was barely a portion size because they were so small.
@Littlun007 oh I see! I’ve planted 2 different types but they’re supposed to be normal size. I have 4 big pots, if it works out we’ll have a fair few! That’s my 1st time trying tomatoes
@armelleskitchen Hopefully, you get a decent crop and have enough jars for the leftovers.