A critique of Cara.app: the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
blog post: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1032/a-critique-of-caraapp-the-no-ai-instagram-and-artstation-copycat-child
@davidrevoy Generally I think a lot of your major criticisms are a fair expression of your values and I respect that.
I would differ on a few things.
"Proprietary: Someone hosts your data [...] it is their property. They can sell it to a third party [...]"
European here, let them try, lol.
Closed source - eh I use enough Open Source to know it's no guarantee of anything, fine by me.
@davidrevoy Copycat: design conventions are a thing and site designs aren't easily protected. We're saying this on Mastodon after all
Human made image stock: could say this about any site
A conditional no to AI: well, I like old-school generative art, and hypothetical ethical AI might happen some day
An artist echo chamber: I have an account and I'm not an artist
You could turn out to be right about everything just eh, not everything should be a hot oss mess on ActivityPub.
@davidrevoy oh and 3/2
There's no sign of them taking VC currently.
They are soliciting for subscriptions from users - and that seems a good way to go, lending itself to building for users, not investors.
For now at least.
I do 100% respect your position overall, this is just for the sake of conversation.