My wife has cancelled the Spotify family subscription over their continued hosting of Andrew Tate, and let them know why in the cancellation process.
It already felt bleak knowing your subscription was funding Joe Rogan about a million times more than your favourite artists, but it turns out they could and do go lower.
Fuck Spotify. Awful people.
There's a petition if you're into it -
There's only one thing Spotify care about though
@davey_cakes Your regular reminder that even bittorrent is a better deal for artists...
@markdennehy @davey_cakes bandcamp, soundcloud
@davey_cakes Thanks for that. I was aware of Rogan but figured "they're all as bad", but this is a bridge too far.
@Des_egan same.
Even Neil Young threw in the towel on the Rogan thing when the exclusivity deal ended, but this is fucking bleak.
Even if they get rid of Tate, at this point Spotify have told me enough times who they are as a company.
@davey_cakes Agreed. And while I know that physical media gives the best relative return for artists, I'm not going back to a Walkman and a bag full of tapes.
I'm happy to take advice from anyone on a streaming service that pays it's artists, and doesn't platform fascists and misogynist creeps.
If such a unicorn exists of course!
@Des_egan we're trying Tidal this week.
It's still VC funded but we'll see.
Focusing on things that aren't trying to be anything other than a music streaming service seems to help.
Spotify are still desperately trying to justify their ridiculous valuation.
@davey_cakes Will check them out thanks!
@Des_egan @davey_cakes Buy CDs and rip them, or buy MP3 downloads. Either is a better deal for the artist, and for you. You only pay once, not for eternity.
@chrisod @Des_egan @davey_cakes I buy used CDs. It's a better deal. And not having a desktop or laptop computer isn't an excuse. You can get sd cards that are multiple terabytes now and put them in your phone, unless it's an Apple, but I have no sympathy for people that give that company money for shitty, ewaste phones that are always years behind in features found on Android.
@shanesemler @chrisod @davey_cakes Yeah these are all great arguments but I did ask about a streaming service tbf. Also without a cd drive to rip the music, the storage is useless.
Finally the culture of locally stored music sharing is gone for the foreseeable future, so if I want to hear something different or new, I'm unlikely to.
For these reasons, I want an 'ethical' streaming service, not to resurrect my MiniDisc player and boxes of CDs from the attic!
@Des_egan @shanesemler @davey_cakes
To be double fair, you asked about ethical streaming services, and I don't think there is one. They all screw the artists financially, then Spotify, YouTube/Google, and Apple have all kinds of additional issues on top of that. Pandora is owned by iHeart, and Tidal is VC funded. Is there another option beyond those 5?
@chrisod @Des_egan @shanesemler
I think we have a clear cut case of one service being markedly worse in this instance.
"They're all the same" is doing Spotify a big favour they don't deserve.
@davey_cakes @chrisod @shanesemler Yeah what @davey_cakes said!
@Des_egan @chrisod @davey_cakes "the culture of locally stored music sharing is gone for the foreseeable future" Why do you care what the culture is? Also, CD drives are pretty inexpensive. It sounds like you're making excuses. Reject convenience.
@shanesemler @chrisod @davey_cakes
The culture is what allows a middle-aged da of small kids to keep my toe in the water of current music, since I don't get to go out any more, or read music magazines (time and non-existence of same).
Also I challenge your 'reject convenience' as 'reject efficiency'. I don't have time to wander around Tower records looking for the latest release by my favourite obscure band, then go home and rip CDs, all to put them on a device that has all this music already!
@davey_cakes our family just dropped Spotify for Qobuz, seems to be ok so far
@wandagolemiec Was there a reason you chose Qobuz over the others? They seem to pay artists more so was interested in them. If I may ask, which service are you switching to?
@thegardendude we've gotten a Tidal family subscription. Need to get it set up on the mother's Alexa now before we get given out to!
@davey_cakes Fuck. Many things should have broken Spotify for me ages ago, but that'll be the last straw.
@Bishopjoey same.
I'll miss the discovery features. Fuck them though.
@davey_cakes it’s obviously a totally different business model but I was able to find a lot of artists that I like on Bandcamp. If an album comes out that I’m stoked about, I want to start buying them on there. Exponentially larger artist payouts and higher audio quality:
@developerjustin yeah, I often find artists I like on streaming, and then buy their stuff on Bandcamp.
@developerjustin @davey_cakes when you’ve bought music thru bandcamp is it easily accessible on different devices? I wonder, too, if you get DRM-free files
@tsyum @developerjustin yep, you can download them in the format of your choosing, no DRM.
I have mine in a folder on my PC and use MusicBee to listen to them.
They also have a mobile app which is quite good, you can do lots of Bandcamp things with it and you can listen in high quality.
@tsyum @developerjustin @davey_cakes files are DRM free, yeah, it's just a zip of files in your preferred audio format (from wav to mp3 or ogg, they have several)
@davey_cakes I wouldn’t get too comfortable with Tidal…
@davey_cakes I left Spotify over Rogan issue. Was absolutely right to do so. Now I enjoy much higher quality sound from vinyl as well as not supporting misogynists.
@davey_cakes hello! Thanks for sharing.
Did you follow a written community guide to help the family package up their data before closing the Spotify family account?
I'm wondering if there's a good guide to help others wanting to do this for their families with options to alternative platforms that aren't aligned supporting fash. Thanks again!
@nicksilkey the data is still there, accounts aren't deleted yet. Probably going for a blank slate.
@davey_cakes These companies and the people who run them are evil. And I mean that. Literally evil.
@davey_cakes dreading I'm about to be told something terrible, but... I switched to Tidal and never looked back when it came out how little Spotify pay artists (around when they wanted to not pay artists for the first thousand plays). Tidal pay artists properly and give them more control over the way they upload their music, also their family plan doesn't require everyone live in the same home!
@davey_cakes no need to boycott, just ditch them entirely and move to different platform like Tidal
@zoelocke @davey_cakes Uh, ditching something (with or without moving to another) is what boycott means.
"To abstain, either as an individual or a group, from using, buying, or dealing with someone or some organization as an expression of protest." (Wiktionary)
@davey_cakes cancelled it ages ago. I just keep finding more and more reasons why that was the right choice.
@davey_cakes Did the same.
@davey_cakes left Spotify years ago. Different reason: their utter failure to give paying listeners a useful shuffle. Same underlying problem: naked greed. Thankfully there are alternative providers whose shuffle does work so they're getting my money now. I know some principled artists - e.g. Neil Young - left them over their utter lack of moral fibre, too. I don't say this lightly but Spotify needs to die and Daniel Ek needs to find himself living under a bridge. Basically did the same thing over Joe Rogan. Switched to Tidal. Also, Tidal doesn't screw over musicians and performers like Spotify does either so that was a bonus.
@davey_cakes "Spotify is literally hosting an Andrew Tate podcast on “how to recruit and exploit women for pornography.”"
They might want to look into the Backpage case. Pimping is a crime, and a Federal crime across state lines. The evidence will still be there in 2029.
Porn "recruiters" are pimps and should be dealt with accordingly.
@davey_cakes I have stopped using it personally (in favor of Tidal), but I can't get my family to transition without them coming to me every 5 seconds. I now pay for 2 family subscriptions, and I hate every minute of it (I switched to Amazon music years ago, but that didn't work, either).
@davey_cakes Therr are alternatives.
@davey_cakes i recommend aka @somafm
@davey_cakes is is possible to transfer playlists and library between music streaming services?
@orkoden @davey_cakes Yes, they mostly will do this for you or third-party services can.