GRMA Sally Rooney, who has given People Before Profit some recognition in her important piece on the scale of the climate crisis facing us.
It is a crisis this Government of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party have abjectly failed to do anything about.
In fact, with pretty much their final act they passed a Planning and Development Act which would allow for more fossil fuel infrastructure in the form of LNGs. At a time when we need to be planning how to leave fossil fuels in the ground.
People Before Profit's election manifesto takes seriously the reality of climate breakdown.
Unlike the establishment parties, our measures are not designed to put the burden of change on the shoulders of ordinary people.
Instead, we want to tackle the big polluters while redistributing Ireland's vast wealth to fund a truly just transition.
We will need movements from below to really win the climate changes we need.
But every #1 vote for People Before Profit this election sends the message that you want the next Government to be a Left Government that puts the future of our planet front and centre.