Jazz Symphonic Orchestra.
Jazz Symphonic Orchestra of Sao Paulo
Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica de Sao Paulo
Sketches done live during a concert, watercolour completed later.
[ Prints : https://james-mccormack.pixels.com/featured/jazz-symphonic-orchestra-james-mccormack.html ]
#JazzSymphonicOrchestra #SaoPaulo
#OrquestraJazzSinfonica #BuyIntoArt #concert #watercolour #FediGiftShop #doublebass #violin #woodwind #MastoDaoine #Mastoart #guitar #trombone #jamesmccormackartist
@jamesfineart Fantastic and mesmerizing. So much going on in this painting. I really appreciate it!
@muz4now Stan, it's one of my favourites, sketched live, then painted as a large watercolour(the biggest I've ever done).