Someone recommended a software industry talk that was allegedly on how we build systems and monitor them and that used the Air France flight 447 crash as an example.
Once again, I am surprised by how bad software industry talks are. I'm pretty certain the only reason that talk isn't legally defamation is because the pilots died in the crash.
I don't think the speaker even read the accident report. I know he got major technical details wrong.
Why anyone trusts systems we build is beyond me.
But also, who decides they will get up on a stage, in front of the world, being recorded, wearing a microphone, and proceeds to shittalk about a profession they patently know nothing about, and an event that killed over two hundred people, within living memory, in a place where a living relative of those people could have been in the audience, and does this all to embiggen themselves?
To make out that they have something to say and then proceed to say nothing about their own profession?
What the hell is wrong with the people in this industry?
I know we didn't get trained in college to check basic human decency at the door; the goddamned Unwritten Rules literally lay out guidelines for what to not do, so at what point did US software engineers decide that all that wasn't for them? At what point did engineers on this side of the pond decide to follow that lead?
@markdennehy All software seems to be shit in some way
But it's the worst kind of shit. It's shit that's pretending to be awesome.
But is just sort of rammed together and slammed out the door with a coat of pretty paint.