1) I’ve been involved with #AIHS in a number of voluntary capacities for the better part of 10 years and this news is deeply disappointing. An extraordinary and unnecessary self inflicted wound by a board apparently bent on repeating past mistakes
#NYC #MastoDaoine #IrishDiaspora
2) Executive Director Elizabeth Stack has
- Turned AIHS into a welcoming organization on 5th Ave
- Created exceptional, consistent, and well-attended programming
- Established AIHS as a valued member of NYC's Irish American ecosystem
- Protected the extraordinary Irish American archive housed at AIHS
- Rebuilt the reputation of AIHS as a reliable venue where scholars and artists can present their work
3) All this has been achieved in less than two years despite the legacy of past problems and staffing limited to outstanding young interns. It is beyond disappointing to hear that the current board appears to be engaging in some of the same nonproductive behaviors as previous boards' past. AIHS is now valued because of Elizabeth Stack's leadership; her loss would shred hard-earned organization credibility.
#AIHS #NYC #MastoDaoine #IrishDiaspora #IrishAmerica
4) Executive Director Elizabeth Stack will be removed from the American Irish Historical Society. The given reason is "cost-saving."
#NotForProfit #IrishAmericans #IrishCulture #NYC #MastoDaoine
5) Something is not adding up here. The 501(c)(3) filings for 2024 are not yet available. I do know that AIHS held a highly successful gala dinner last year, so I'd certainly be interested to see updated tax filings.
With yesterday's board resignations, we've seen six departures in a little over a year. That speaks to problems and turmoil on the board.