This #GhostStoriesForChristmas had some human-baby-headed blood-drinkng spiders in it.
Twas a bit weird.
It's called The Ash Tree (1975)
This #GhostStoriesForChristmas had some human-baby-headed blood-drinkng spiders in it.
Twas a bit weird.
It's called The Ash Tree (1975)
So I watched The Treasure of Abbott Thomas (1974)
It was quite fun. The ghost turned out to be a sludge monster.
The thing is, the stories are quite slow, and could easily be told in a shorter amount of time, if they removed a lot of the chaff.
It was basically a cursed treasure story, and an old story at that, but it would have been nice if they'd put some new ideas into it.
So I watched Lost Hearts (1973) and it had this boy going to this old house and the man there was all weird and creepy and manic and the boy kept seeing these ghost children.
Then the boy and girl ghosts are all blue with long nails and they do this funky swaying dance to the music of the hurdy-gurdy.
And the alive boy goes into a trance and they show him their wounds on their chests.
Quite fun, that one.
Ima gonna watch some more #BBC Christmas Ghost Stories.
I've seen about three I think. I rewatched one. It was OK. A lot of filler and it could been shorter and sharper.
And it also lacked a bit of punch. It had something to so with wooden carving in a church, but their significance didn't really hit hard.
It was still quite fun though.
A spooky night at the @BFI yesterday for a preview and Q&A on @Markgatiss new Ghost Story for Christmas, Woman of Stone from a short story by Edith Nesbit. Top chills. On your telly box Christmas Eve on BBC2 10:15pm. #bfi #tv #ghosts #ghoststories #ghoststoriesforchristmas
The BBC Ghost Stories for Christmas 1971-1978 are badly in need of restoration. Some of us love these old shows a lot and want to see them available for new generations of viewers.
#LawrenceGordonClark #MRJames
#GhostStoriesForChristmas #BBC #GhostStories
Christopher Lee is going to tell me a ghost story.
Christopher Lee's Ghost Stories for Christmas - The Ash Tree
Time for the #Christmas tradition of reading ghost stories. I like to mix it up rather than always just head straight for M.R. James or Dickens. Delving into my big pile of short stories books I've gone for Robert Aickman this year.
#GhostStoriesForChristmas #Books #RobertAickman #Horror #Supernatural #DarkAdvent #WinterGhosts
Looking for a chilling read for Christmas Eve? Check out my very own Ghost Story For Christmas: Brace yourself for a spine-tingling winter ghost story that will send shivers down your spine.
A Ghost Story for Christmas: Embrace the chill and dive into the eerie beauty of the Norfolk Broads with my latest blog post—a winter ghost story that will send
shivers down your spine! Venture into the unknown:
Twelve Medieval Ghost Stories, translated by M. R. James
Don't expect anything like a modern ghost story, these ain't that. Presented with love and humor by The Podcast To The Curious.
If you like Christmas Ghost stories, I'm doing a Black Friday special on Ghost Stories For Christmas, Volume One. The Kindle version is just 99 cents/79 pence/148 yen today for thirty vintage festive ghost stories.
#BlackFridayAmazon #Christmasghosts #Ghoststoriesforchristmas #ghostfiction
Oh wow, I didn't know there was a 2022 adaptation of M.R. James' "Count Magnus" for BBC Ghost Stories For Christmas. Too bad it's not very good:
Next on #ghoststoriesforchristmas/ A Warning to the Curious (1972). A proper classic this time round - great adaptation of the MR James story. Peter Vaughan’s Paxton is a much more sympathetic character than many of James’ academics: a clerk made recently redundant taking the time to explore his interest in archaeology. Unfortunately he’ll meet the same end as many of his less sympathetic colleagues. #ghosts #ghoststories
Next instalment of #ghoststoriesforchristmas: A View From a Hill (2005). Excellent reboot going back to James’ source material. Classic set up: the upright academic meddles in things he shouldn’t with the inevitable consequences. Slow moving with sparse dialogue, building the tension. Notable for mainly taking place in bright sunlight - and extra points for a 70s style freeze frame at the end. #mrjames #ghoststories #ghosts
I finally got myself a Christmas present. Now I have to figure out how to rip and convert these discs so I can watch the videos in the USA. #RegionLocked #GhostStoriesForChristmas
You can read an uinterview with me and a review of my edited anthology Gost Stories For Christmas, Volume One on Doug Gibson’s Plan 9 Crunch blog.
Thanks to Arnold Petit for the photo.
Listen to Linda Gould's wonderful reading of the Charles Dickens' Christmas story The Goblins who Stole a Sexton on her Kaidankai podcast. Published 7 years before A Christmas Carol, it has many similarities & can be seen as a prototype for the more famous story.
Read the story in my anthology Ghost Stories For Christmas, Volume One.
#ghoststoriesforchristmas #Kaidankai #CharlesDickens #ChristmasGhostStories #GhostFiction
I appreciate how Valancourt Books celebrates the spirit(s) of the season. #Gothic #Victorian #GhostStories #GhostStoriesForChristmas