@threetails @vitalis also #ALDI has the #FurryBeer in stock despite beibg south of the "#Kölsch / #Alt - border"...
@threetails @vitalis also #ALDI has the #FurryBeer in stock despite beibg south of the "#Kölsch / #Alt - border"...
Wo mir zwei alleine sinn
Eine Coverversion von Keanes Lied „Somewhere Only We Know“, übersetzt und gesungen von Alex. Die Inspiration stammt von Rhiannes Version. Das Klavier stammt von sing2piano.
A cover of Keane’s song “Somewhere Only We Know” translated and sung by Alex. The inspiration comes from Rhianne’s version. The piano is taken from sing2piano.
Jeg har to nye bøger!
People have actually written whole books about Kölsch and about Altbier!
#Köln so: "#Düsseldorf?? Watt is datt dann? Datt kenne mer nit."
vgl. dazu den #Kölner #Stadtanzünder:
* https://www.ksta.de/duesseldorf #404
* https://www.ksta.de/koeln
The latest entrant for #DryJanuary arrived at the doorstep this week from #NonAlcoholic brewer #RationAleBrewing: a non-alcoholic German-style #Kölsch. To celebrate the new release, the company is offering a Dry January promo on its website and selling Kölsch for $6.99 per six pack (half off).
More: https://www.thebrewsite.com/received-rationale-brewing-non-alcoholic-kolsch/
„Dat Semester fleeß wie der Rhing – immer wigger vöraan!“ Alsu loss dich nit stressen.
#kölsch #lernen #Universität
Woss do dat?
„Joot neu Johr, Alaaf!“
En Kölle geiht et noh Silvester tirek met Karneval wigger! Dä Kölsche rötsch quasi tirek vum Johrwähßel en de Stroßekarneval.
#kölsch #silvester #feiern #2025 #köln #karneval
My most recent Kölsch while I prepare everything for dinner - yaki tori tonight.
I think next time I might try to mash in lower and do a protein rest to see if I can get rid of this haze. Either that or lager it a bit longer (this time was 30 days though). Tastes great and not sure how much I want to chase clarity.
This was with some of the last Lallemand Kölsch yeast.
The good news is that this was the best whirlpool I’ve ever done. Perfectly clear wort from the start as it goes to the fermenter.