Book gifts for people who love South America!
Book gifts for people learning Spanish!
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#qotd What language are you learning or would like to learn?
Book gifts for people who love South America!
Book gifts for people learning Spanish!
Available as ebooks and paperbacks from
#qotd What language are you learning or would like to learn?
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Three good things about today:
1. Worked with hubby to get a wood rack modified to fit the back of our woodshed.
2. Learned a new word in Spanish: marido = husband
3. Had a delicious steak supper and a glass of Voodoo Ranger (an IPA) at Saltgrass.
#learningspanish 'Tiempo Condicional' learnt today: reading Spanish OSM tagging discussions. For me unknown verb conjugations like " debería usar..". " la cambiaríamos ...". Not yet in my course...
Researching: in English we would say "we should, would, could, ..use, change etc". But Spanish has single 'Condicional' tense. Very often used in our field as we (usually) talk politely in terms of recommendations, how things could/should be done (programmed, tagged!).
Fun #learningspanish !
"Buscarle tres pies al gato" (for @delawen ). Translates literally: "to look for three feet on the cat" in English. However, the phrase is idiomatic, like "estar en las nubes" (=daydreaming, not about Cloud Tech), and actually means "to nitpick". In Dutch it is simply: "Muggenziften". Both expressions apply to me btw.. @jorgesanz
26 mins later, 1 AM. Just some of the struggle. STEM-CHANGING VERBS I HATE YOU RN! #LearningSpanish
Whenever I start dreaming in a language I’m learning, I know that it’s taking. Like, I’m struggling a lot learning Spanish but then I had a dream or two where I spoke Spanish and I knew I was going to be okay with learning the language.
I haven’t dreamt in ASL yet but I think that’s to do with the fact that my eyesight is incredibly bad in my dreams. I’m very near-sighted in life but obviously wear glasses. Apparently, since I don’t have those on when I sleep, I also don’t see well in my dreams.
So, I’m currently learning both ASL and Spanish. Started approximately at the same time, although a tiny bit earlier with ASL — but that disadvantage for Spanish should easily be made up by the fact that I already know Italian.
I find it both fascinating and hilarious how in ASL I can now have a smol conversation about where I grew up and my hobbies while in Spanish I’m still building silly little sentences that say “in the summer it’s very hot and sunny.”
@thegrumpyenby I understand, makes sense. Portugal still has a way to grow in that regard. As a supplement to your Spanish course, I can recommend Carlos' "Dreaming Spanish" YouTube channel. Hours of listening to his channel was a big part of taking me from knowing 5 curse words in Spanish and not much more to a solid B1+ in a year. Spain is a great place, and I'm blessed to live just across the Guardiana river.
Alright, this is for the records: today (March 8) I started learning Spanish. Let's see if I can speedrun this thing because I'm not super into it as of yet. If anyone has advice for how to make me like it more, let me know. I'm already planning to use music as that made learning Italian super nice.
It really is a cruel joke, though, that I used to be fluent in Italian, fell in love with Portuguese and briefly studied it, and of all romance languages I now need to learn Spanish so we can move to Spain. French is totally irrelevant, as I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
Okay, why is the #Spanish word for aquarium “acuario” and not “aguario”? Is this some Latin thing again?
In search of other Spanish language students with whom I can share memes. My classmates are 20 years younger than I am and I'm having difficulties making friends.
#spanish #LearningSpanish #AprendiendoEspañol
A language question for the lovely people here who've learned Spanish as a second language.
What worked best for you when you first started out?
I'm currently doing Duolingo, but any other suggestions would be massively appreciated!
(Will be going to Spain in 5 months or so.)
Why #Anki kinda stinks for language learning. I don't know the content maker well at all, but his list is everything I found frustrating and ineffective about the app/program. It really derailed my novice Spanish studies. I don't recommend it anymore, _especially_ to folks with #adhd issues. He's inspiring me to get back to my old notebook methods, and I want to check out his routines further as well.
Hoy sale a la venta Cuentos selvatásticos
Today my latest Spanish book for kids hits the shop! Cuentos selvatásticos
I know it's because of licensing hijinks, but it's really annoying to subscribe to Paramount Plus (to see #startrek) and find only the English language audio tracks there.
To watch Star Trek in Spanish, I have to start my VPN, claim to be from Mexico, and watch Star Trek on Netflix!
Many programs in the US *have* Spanish language tracks, but they aren't available in the US. Dios mio!