It's #MotheringSunday in the UK. But every day should be #MothersDay! We remember that #Antinous truly lived. He is not a myth or a legend. He had a mother. We honor his mother and every mother figure, regardless of gender! Art by Priest #Julien:
Happy Mothers Day if you are in the UK. We are live at 4:30pm UTC today. Come and join us, we look forward to seeing you!
Follow the link for a promo teaser #raspberrypi #stem #stemeducation #electronics #retrogaming #MotheringSunday #maker #tech #technology
Thank you mothers everywhere
Without you, there's no us.
#MothersDay #MotheringSunday
It's #MotheringSunday in the UK. But every day should be #MothersDay! We remember that #Antinous truly lived. He is not a myth or a legend. He had a mother. We honor his mother and every mother figure, regardless of gender! Art by Priest #Julien:
Time for a #CupOfTeaSocial #QuizQuestion? Why yes, it is! In many parts of the world (the UK being one) today is Mothering Sunday. Unlike the US holiday of Mother's Day (which dates back to the early 20th century), Mothering Sunday has roots in the Christian church of the Middle Ages and in its original form it had nothing to do with your own mother (lovely though I'm sure she is).
Here's the question: to what does the Mother part of Mothering Sunday refer?
Answers in the #poll below, spoiler-filled replies and discussion more than welcome but please stick them behind a CW.
#LePho (1907-2001) - "Vierge à l'enfant" - c1935
Happy #MothersDay to all you mothers out there.
#Art #Arte
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt
#ArtInTheEvening #Painting #MotheringSunday
Chatting to my mum and sister today and the subject of what they (as mothers) would hope for in their children came up.
They both agreed: interesting, generous, individual and kind.
And it struck me that if I ever set up a school, I’d want those as the guiding values.
Nigella's recipe for the Traditional #MotheringSunday #SimnelCake. #recipe
It's Mothering Sunday (Mother's Day) today in the UK.
It's always been complicated for me, 4 lovely children but 7 miscarriages, and always having had a difficult and complicated relationship with my mother.
But this year is the first year without her.
#MotheringSunday #MothersDay #grief #loss #bereavement
Happy #MotheringSunday We would like to wish all the Fab-u-lous Women in our & your lives a wonderful day. Thank you for caring for us - You're the best - but we have the best Mum Hugs & Purrs - Starsky & Hutchinson xx
#GingeAndTuxi #happymothersday
#CatsOfMastodon #Cats
I'm listening to this, as it's Mothering Sunday (Mother's Day) in the UK.
I might watch the film next. Has anyone seen it?
Traditionally, maids were released from service on this day so they could go and see their mothers.
#NowPlaying #MotheringSunday
Today is Laetare Sunday, or Refreshment Sunday, where we traditionally relax our Lenten fast for the day. It's also Mothering Sunday.
#ChurchOfIreland #LaetareSunday #RefreshmentSunday #MotheringSunday #Lent #ChurchCalendar
Modern technology can be great. My daughter ordered me a takeaway breakfast to collect in the U.K. from her phone in Japan. It’s Mothering Sunday/Mother’s Day here in the U.K. #MothersDay #motheringsunday