The recent "Watch Mojo" video on YouTube mentioned dial-up internet. That was all that was available in my semi-rural area when I bought my first computer in 1999. We didn't get DSL until around 2003.
Reminded me of a day pre-2003 I was off work, so I spent most of the day online. Mom was working, she was a postal worker delivering mail. Suddenly, I hear a knock at the door. It was mom, asking if I was okay, since she had car trouble on her mail route and tried to call me (before cellphones, she used the phone of a person on her route), and she said she kept getting a busy signal. She got another postal worker to help her finish her route after having her car towed, then brought her home. Had to explain I was on the internet and wasn't expecting any calls on my day off. Dial-up ties up the phone line.
After DSL became available, that problem was no longer an issue, even though it used the same phone line, just on a different frequency. Mom retired in 2008, and she lived here after that, and rented out her next door trailer. Today, even though mom has since passed, my internet is with the local cable company and I use a cellphone as my main phone. #2000s #cable #dialup #dsl #internet #mom