Das war ein seltsames Buch, aber man lernt immerhin was über Silicon Valley Selbstmythifizierung. #tech #siliconvalley #ufology #Nonfictionbooks #techreligion️
Das war ein seltsames Buch, aber man lernt immerhin was über Silicon Valley Selbstmythifizierung. #tech #siliconvalley #ufology #Nonfictionbooks #techreligion️
Technical Book Review - ArcGIS Pro 3.x Cookbook – 2nd Edition
https://www.facebook.com/EarthStuff/posts/pfbid02tqP1CSZGexGUSwqCR458tD336DzdStXN1yiZS4t5nLHDtRbCDRHsnzTxgWCC82Yel <-- link to full review
[disclaimers – (i) a publisher’s representative solicited a review of & provided a copy of this book for review, but no recompense, (ii) this is my impartial, personal review - and hence is not an endorsement by my employer, implicit or otherwise.]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #ArcGIS #ArcGISPro #ESRI #bookreview #review #books #amreading #currentlyreading #nowreading #nonfictionbooks #continuingeducation #alldataisspatial #selflearning #mapmonday #gischat #techbook #techbooks #technology #h #reading #programming #bookshop #techwriting #desktopgis #selflearning #education #learning #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #onlinelearning #selfeducation #student #motivation #careergrowth #technicalbook #continuouslearning #learningjourney #education #technicalskills #PacktPublishing
I just achieved another strange little milestone of self-publishing:
I am now the proud owner of a 10-pack of ISBNs, the unique numerical identifier for books. Each version of the book gets its own ISBN, so between the eBook, the print book, and the audiobook, that's three down.
The next three will be for book number two, which is currently an outline and a glimmer in my eye.
That leaves four more ...
So what book do YOU want to read from me?
Chatting about my new book release Women Who Murder: An International Collection of Deadly True Crime Tales on the True Murder podcast with host Dan Zupansky!
Listen at:
books #truecrime #bookrelease #newbooks #womenwhomurder #nonfictionbooks #anthology #authors #authorinterview #podcasts #truemurder #bookstodon
Deep Pockets podcast S3E4 is here. Open: The Progressive Case for Free Trade, Immigration, and Global Capital. Kimberly Clausing book defends the global economic integration, and suggests ways for Americans to first of all, ride along and not become crushed by international realities, but also to create national policies within the U.S. to equip workers for the modern economy, better tax policies, and better partnerships between tax payers and businesses.
Part research for my next collaborative project (a cozy fantasy series), part my latest obsession (trees and fungi), part emotional therapy purchase. No regrets. #treebooks #trees #fungi #nonfictionbooks #treemagic #cozyfantasy #amwritingfantasy #reading #naturelovers #booklover
Welcome to the Opera is an interactive book that introduces the reader to the enchanting world of music. Following three dogs, we discover the story and scenes of Mozart’s The Magic Flute.
#opera #childrensbook #kidbook #picturebook #mozart #themagicflute #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #interactivebooks #bookstagram #booktok #littlefreelibraries #littlefreelibrariesofinstagram #bookdrop #music #musicinstrument
@kidlit @bookstodon #bookstodon
No big words of wisdom or anything insightful to really share -- I'm just taking a minute before I get back to work to enjoy the feeling of getting ready to hand the file off to someone else, so they can help me make it better.
And now that I've figured out how to write a draft of a book, I'm trying really hard not to start the next two books living rent free in my brain right now.
Because that brain doesn't know it, but it needs a break.
but even I, with all my brain gremlins and cognitive distortions, read the book last night and thought:
"Wow, that's one smart lady,"
And I don't hate the book. I'm excited to finish it, and for it to be in the world helping the people I wrote it for.
And today when I sat down to fill in a few missing pieces before it goes to the editor I had that same feeling: I'm more excited than scared, even knowing how hard the edit process will be.
But there are more good reasons to finish and release the book than there are reasons not to, so with the help of friends, family, and Ellie (my EA) I stuck with it.
I did something I never do, and sat down with the manuscript last night to do my own edit read before sending it off to the "real" editor, and I know it won't resemble this draft at all when it's finished
... so I know it's too early to celebrate, but when I closed the file on a full rough draft, I stood up, walked into the kitchen, and burst into tears of pride and relief.
There have been times in this process where my gremlins have almost won: where I've almost just chucked the whole project and saved myself the stress and professional risk.
Yesterday I finished the first full draft of my upcoming book.
This sucker is years in the making: this was my fourth from-scratch rewrite, and the first time I've completed a full draft of the manuscript.
I've had a really hard time with the edit process -- I experience #RSD and I can mostly manage it to function, but there's something about feedback on my writing that usually just absolutely shuts me down from an executive functioning standpoint... (1/n)
My review of the book Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen – A Must-Read! #Americanhistory #bookreview #education #historicalbias #history #historytextbook #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks
I really enjoyed going through this book. The writing is simple, but goes straight to the point. It can be read in order or picked here and there when needed. The author encourages us to be honest with ourselves about our shortcomings, but also our strengths.
#suzyapprovedbooktours #sourcebooks #katherinewintsch #book #bookstagram #booktok #bookbook #bookthreads #bookstodon #selfhelp #selfhelpbooks #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #littlefreelibraries #bookdrop
The Best New True Crime Stories: Crimes of Famous & Infamous Criminals Facebook Live event with contributor Charlotte Platt live from Scotland. Sunday, July 2 at noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern, 8pm UK.
@sagetyrtle I've recently enjoyed How Kyoto Breaks Your Heart by Florentyna Lyow from Emma Press. It's a memoir of the time Lyow (who is Malaysian) spent living in Kyoto, getting to know the city and its food while her closest friendship fell apart
Emma Press also publishes Tiny Moons, A Year of Eating in Shanghai by Nina Mingya Powles, which I have on my TBR shelf after it was recommended at a local bookshop
A book about Empire, Identity and Language? What could be more up my street? Sounds *AMAZING* https://www.jamestgriffiths.com/speak-not #bookstodon #Books #nonfictionbooks #nonfictionreading #Identity
New read that I possibly should have thought twice about before bringing to this health appointment to pass time in the waiting room. #BooksOfMastodon #bookstodon #nonfictionbooks
New book review for Physics World: She’s in CTRL: How Women Can Take Back Tech by Anne-Marie Imafidon
This is a manifesto for why we need more women in STEM, and a step by step guide for women to get themselves into technology roles