Samsung, Hyundai complete RedCap 5G trial for smart factories #samsung #hyundai #iiot #manufacturing #redcap #connectivity #5g #iot #tech #news #technology

Samsung, Hyundai complete RedCap 5G trial for smart factories #samsung #hyundai #iiot #manufacturing #redcap #connectivity #5g #iot #tech #news #technology
'Green Fence' watercolour by James McCormack, Artist.
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#green #fence #greenfence #redcap #figure #vegetation #BelaVista #SaoPaulocity #Brazil #belavistasp #buyintoart #MastoArt #MastoDaoine #FediGiftShop
Ummmm, is #Trump actually a #Redcap ?
It would explain a lot; and he's such a contrary dick that if he were fae, he'd be the only one who could handle iron. #NewConspiracyJustDropped
5G RedCap to revolutionise IoT, but hurdles remain #5g #redcap #telecoms #connectivity #iot #tech #news #technology
'Green Fence' watercolour by James McCormack, Artist.
[ Prints : ]
#green #fence #greenfence #redcap #figure #vegetation #BelaVista #SaoPaulocity #Brazil #belavistasp #buyintoart #MastoArt #MastoDaoine #FediGiftShop
'Green Fence' watercolour by James McCormack, Artist.
[ Prints : ]
#green #fence #greenfence #redcap #figure #vegetation #BelaVista #SaoPaulocity #Brazil #belavistasp #buyintoart #MastoArt #MastoDaoine #FediGiftShop
I have someone looking for work in clinical data settings as a data officer or data analyst role.
7 years experience in clinical and research data. #SQL , #REDCap , and #PowerBI experience, along with a bit of #Python.
Abby opportunities in Melbourne, Australia or remote roles around that timezone would be appreciated!
Anyone have experience w/ Open Data Kit + #RedCap? We use #ODK but considering a switch. Adopted ODK for support running same survey in multiple languages. Now REDCap has this. Wonder if REDCap would be easier for users to design + summarize complex surveys. Considering:
- Server maintenance effort
- Switching and retraining effort
- Offline tablet collection in field w GPS, audio/images
- Paper fall-back
- Security/privacy admin
- Full API control, good #RStats client for automated pipelines
Redcaps are a type of murderous goblin known for soaking their hats in the blood of their victims. According to Sir Walter Scott's "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," "Every ruined tower in the south of Scotland is supposed to have an inhabitant of this species."
#Faustian #Folklore #Redcap #Goblin #Scotland #Castle #SirWalterScott
: Damien Ramage
Here is my #CrookedDice #redcap #miniature fully painted.
Front and back shots.
I bought two of these guys but I haven't started the other one yet.
As with my other #miniatures, he's painted with #Reaper #MasterSeriesPaints.
I plan to use him as vicious #fey in my #Pathfinder1e #Ustalav campaign.
#CrookedDiceGames #MiniaturePainting #Pewter
#MetalMiniatures #MSP #ReaperMSP #PathfinderRPG
I'm just glad nothing broke off. He's a single-piece casting, so that would have been kind of bad.
I work on my #miniatures while standing at my bedroom mantel, and have all my work-in-progress stuff sitting on the mantelpiece. This #redcap is not the first #miniature I've knocked off.
The previous two I knocked off were a multi-part #ReaperMiniatures goat demon (SKU 14395) and #DGSGames Rebel Maiden (SKU 121006), both of which separated back into multiple parts.
I didn't work much on any #miniatures in the last month but I'm back to work on my #CrookedDice #redcap #miniature now.
I painted on him a few days ago; did some edge highlights, painted his eyes and eyebrows, and teeth.
Yesterday I knocked him off my mantelpeice. The fall bent his axe, and chipped the paint on the axe, on his nose, and on his red cap. The axe bent back easily enough and I think as of now I have all his paint injuries repaired.
I started work on my #CrookedDice #redcap #miniature this morning. I've just put a little red on his cap and some basic skin work and a little brown on the shaft of his greataxe.
I haven't figured out how I'm going to paint his boots to look iron-shod yet since they're not really sculpted as metal boots.
Another encountered issue was that it was extremely difficult to force the generator to draw 7 dwarfs. Notoriously, 5 fingers of a hand are also difficult, but the larger the number the smaller hope to get it by chance. A third difficulty I found was the impossibility to generate impossible scenes, typical for fairy tales, such as #RedCap popping out happily from the wolf's belly or #Gretel shoving the witch into the oven. A quick comparison with #dallE showed that @openai's model handles somewhat better two of the above challenges (other than quantities). Yet, it struggles with unwanted #artefacts
My #CrookedDice #miniatures arrived today. They took two days shy of four weeks to travel from Lincolnshire, UK to West Virginia, US. I ordered them back in January but they didn't ship until mid-February because of the cyber-attack on Royal Mail. And now they're in my hands.
I got two #redcap miniatures and a "hurty-gurty man" miniature that I might paint as a #bogeyman. I'm eager to get a redcap based, primed, and underway.
#InternationalShipping #Shipping
#CrookedDiceGames #RoyalMail
Just come across Project #REDCap
as part of the day job. It's a software package for allowing the sharing of research data (very laudable) but even given the very real privacy concerns that might throw up it has one of the strangest sets of licence terms I've come across (
My specific issue is the 'The Software may only be installed (i) on servers and computers owned by Licensee or (ii) on web-based or “cloud” servers where the third party hosting company has been hired by Licensee and provided that the third party hosting company has no access whatsoever to the Software'. Way to make sure only the largest and richest institutions join in with research sharing!
It amazes me how rare #redcap #miniatures are.
I feel like evil-looking small, short, wizened old man #fey, long beard, pointy "elf" hat, with iron-shod boots and a Medium two-handed weapon (scythe, greataxe, etc.) should be a lot more common than it is.
I just expected most miniature companies would make a redcap #mini so finding one in metal wouldn't be that hard. I did find a metal redcap #miniature from #CrookedDice games, but it lacks the beard and boots.