I didn't wait 52 weeks to write up my notes this time... #ShipItCon happened today and the theme was Flow!
I didn't wait 52 weeks to write up my notes this time... #ShipItCon happened today and the theme was Flow!
The awesome Charity Majors bringing vital leadership around observability and software stewardship: with structured logging, deciding what to log becomes a design activity
Logs give us indications about where team and system boundaries should evolve. So a good observability tool helps us to adjust boundaries continuously.
Jim Dowling of Hopsworks exploring how Conway's Law is fighting against flow in ML/AI - at ShipItCon
What's striking is that software application and cloud infrastructure solved these kinds of problems from around 2000-2010, so we can now apply existing patterns to AI/ML
Great talk from Jim
I wonder how many peeps are here on Mastodon and are attending ShipItCon (besides @jpichon @micktwomey).
There's €100 to win for ppl who enter their DIY Squishy mask. Come to the #Maker table and have fun crafting. We've all the materials and templates.
I'm also making another mask right now. while listening to the talks. People don't be shy. Everyone is welcome to take part.
More info about the conf: https://shipitcon.com/agenda/