Tube radio progress: there's some light and a tiny sound when feeding it an AM test signal.
Tube radio progress: there's some light and a tiny sound when feeding it an AM test signal.
Timed my break right: new video from Usagi Electric!
If you're not watching this guy, are you really a #geek?
Grid Leak Radio Draws the Waves - [Stephen McNamera] found a schematic for a grid leak radio online and decided to t... - #classichacks #vacuumtubes #radiohacks #radio
1940's signal generator
Recently, I was repairing an old circa 1940's signal generator.
The point-to-point wiring on this is like a work of art!
I accidentally left a box of NOS vacuum tubes on the porch outside when I was moving out of the office yesterday. It dipped below freezing last night, so now they'll sound better because they've been cryo-treated.
Join @ishotjr and special guests including @sophywong, @rehana_makes, @North, and more as we talk #cosplay, #costumes, creating your own #oc, #VacuumTubes, and more, !!!TODAY!!!
August 31st at our V86 #LaunchParty!
Join @ishotjr and special guests including @sophywong, @rehana_makes, @North, and more as we talk #cosplay, #costumes, creating your own #oc, #VacuumTubes, and more, TOMORROW, August 31st at our V86 #LaunchParty!
Join @ishotjr and a panel of special guests as we talk #cosplay, #costumes, creating your own #oc, #VacuumTubes, and more, next Thursday, August 31st at our V86 #LaunchParty!
This is a neat series on building all the tools for creating vacuum tubes from scratch. @North is worth a follow!
#VacuumTubes #Video #SignalDitch #DIY #Workshop #Lathe #GlassBlowing #Tech
Veritasium considers the lightbulb and its place in the #history of triodes and computing. #VacuumTubes #Valves
#vacuumtube #vacuumTubes
Hi, looking forward if anyone has any "unwanted tubes" and/or "some tubes available for some small projects NOT at IMPOSSIBLE prices". I am NOT looking for stuff like KT88/EL34/etc. more like ECC81 some "final pentode" for some small size "little projects". I live in UK I don't know much "where to look for tubes". I mean last time I really bought a tube was around 10 pounds, now I see the same tubes at 100 pounds each that scares me ! Thanks in advance foe any info.
Working on an old #zenith #antiqueradio for a friend. Model is #H845 - top of the line for its day in the 1960s. I haven't really dabbled with a #vintage #radio yet, but, watching and learning from lots of vids. So far, tested some #tubes and replaced 3 bad ones, though I might replace them all to ensure it continues working for a while since it's for a friend and I also bought a whole set of #NOStubes from Bob Dobush's site: -- highly recommend for #vacuumtubes
Hmmm... Maybe #ChatGPT and #AI just needs to be run on computers that run on #VacuumTubes Better yet, make them #GrooveTube
My favorite power tube: the Groove Tubes KT66HP. I run these in my very rare early 2000s Mesa/Boogie F-50 narrow chassis 1x12 combo. Mesa tells me only about 400 were made before they changed to the Wide Body chassis/cab. I have a small stash of these that will probably last the rest of my life. #guitar #amplifier #vacuumtubes
@autisticompulsive @actuallyautistic I have a large collection of #VacuumTubes (aka "#valves"), mainly because I think they're cool. Here's a short video I made of one: