Have you been reading the Quillversation between Anthony & The Fenian Way, a full time activist during the IRA's war against the British? Every fortnight, a new discussion of ongoing historical analysis of the IRA is posted on TPQ.
Part 1: https://www.thepensivequill.com/2022/10/in-quillversation-ira-abilities-and.html
Part 2: The Fenian Way continues his exchange with Anthony on the inferences to be drawn from John Crawley's book which detailed systemic shortcomings within the IRA https://www.thepensivequill.com/2022/10/in-quillversation-ira-operational-record.html
Part 3: "The selling point to Volunteers was a mixture of belief in the abilities of the leadership being up to the task in these negotiations but also their use of the endorsement by high profile republicans to promote [an] unquestioning position" https://www.thepensivequill.com/2022/11/in-quillversation-ira-treated-as.html
Part 4 now available: "You asked me previously which parts of the constitution were breached by the leadership and I responded in the main by saying, firstly, the legitimate basis upon which we engaged in war and secondly the role and function of the Army Convention, The Army Executive and the Army Council" https://www.thepensivequill.com/2022/11/in-quillversation-ira-army-council-not.html
@AnthonyMcIntyre this is a wonderful read perhaps eye opening would be better. It does leave you with a lot of questions though. Thoughts and ideas I’ll take to the grave with me. I’d encourage anyone with even a passing interest in the Irish Republican movement and struggle to read this. Without the word of a lie it’s possibly the single best thing I’ve read this year on TPQ