Have you been reading the Quillversation between Anthony & The Fenian Way, a full time activist during the IRA's war against the British? Every fortnight, a new discussion of ongoing historical analysis of the IRA is posted on TPQ.
Part 1: https://www.thepensivequill.com/2022/10/in-quillversation-ira-abilities-and.html
Part 2: The Fenian Way continues his exchange with Anthony on the inferences to be drawn from John Crawley's book which detailed systemic shortcomings within the IRA https://www.thepensivequill.com/2022/10/in-quillversation-ira-operational-record.html
Part 3: "The selling point to Volunteers was a mixture of belief in the abilities of the leadership being up to the task in these negotiations but also their use of the endorsement by high profile republicans to promote [an] unquestioning position" https://www.thepensivequill.com/2022/11/in-quillversation-ira-treated-as.html
@AnthonyMcIntyre this is a wonderful read perhaps eye opening would be better. It does leave you with a lot of questions though. Thoughts and ideas I’ll take to the grave with me. I’d encourage anyone with even a passing interest in the Irish Republican movement and struggle to read this. Without the word of a lie it’s possibly the single best thing I’ve read this year on TPQ