Here are my favourite 17 genders, some old and some new. I'm considering going through these books a second/third time over the next 1-3 years and maybe making a blog/git repo to explore some of the concepts and ideas a little more rigidly by combining similar chapters for example, modernizing and putting some of the practical knowledge in a single place grouped by topic with my own spin/tools on top etc #Blog #Ideas #Hacking
Each of these books contributed different things to my career and personal obsession and they are packed full of gold. I think it could be valuable or an interesting challenge or learning exercise to try reduce down and explore the best ideas while giving practical examples or references to how each was applied in real world situations.
I'm not setting out to write a book but I am planning to tell a story, perhaps. The other factor is that I have been considered a subject matter expert through work and I don't feel I've given enough back, despite learning so much from others. I am gonna let this stew for now.
@ciaranmak I have all but like one or two of these books. But I'll admit I haven't read any of them cover to cover, and some I've only barely cracked. I'm definitely interested in what you described, but I'd also be interested in your high-level, off-the-cuff takes on which I should read (and in what order) if I just want to generally "up my game" so to speak. I feel I've plateau'ed a bit technically (and somewhat as a result career-wise) and would be interested if getting into these could help give me some extra juice.
@shellsharks Yeah I think any easy starter blog post might be going through what I thought of the books, some of them it has been years since I've read 'em and there's definitely a few of them I picked and choosed chapters, never the whole thing
@ciaranmak Go for it.