Written 90 years ago in 1935, the words of #Hemingway in his “Notes on the Next War” should resonate with every thoughtful reader.
@mnutty Marx tells it:
a) Capitalism becomes Fascism
b) Fascism becomes war
There are lots of #capitalist societies that have not followed that sorry continuum.
That said, the transition to #fascism is far more likely in the absence of robust regulation of #capitalism
Capitalism is still unacceptable even if it doesn't lead to fascism in a specific case. Saying it can be kept in check with enough regulation is no different than saying slavery could be acceptable with enough regulation.
I imagine our views on #capitalism are quite different. I believe properly regulated it can provide extraordinary opportunities to both society and individuals in the creation of new products and services.
Aligning all forms of capitalism with slavery seems like an excessive stretch. A stretch that I see with many capitalist types advocating for the destruction of vital government services
I aligned capitalism with slavery in the sense that both are based on malevolent and malignant lies, and no amount of regulation can redeem them or make them benevolent.
But yeah, capitalism is a form of slavery as well. And state is not our friend.
But I'll just let reality speak for itself; this is becoming more obvious every day now.
Capitalism profit over human needs, which inevitably leads to exploitation and inequality. Regulation can't change capitalism's inherent fundamental flaws. Even a regulated capitalism serves the ruling class.
@mnutty @RD4Anarchy @MycenaeanAtlas The regulation cannot be maintained due to the inherent realities of capitalism--endless increase in profits, necessitating ever-more-demanding strategies of accumulation--from workers, from the environment, from war. And the main feature of truly socialist states is very rapid growth, innovation and declining poverty. Clearly socialism does the job much better.
@zapradon @mnutty @MycenaeanAtlas
I don't believe there are, or can be, any "truly socialist states". Socialism is the workers controlling the means of production, which runs counter to the central purpose of state.* State ownership of means of production is not socialism, it's just state capitalism. Capital doesn't care if it is owned by private individuals, corporations, or state, as long as its demands are met.
Welfare states (like "Nordic socialism") are not socialism, just capitalist states that offer a few more crumbs in order to discourage revolution. They still maintain the principles of capitalism; still exploit the global south, still bow down to the virtual god capital.
Since at least the early 20th century, all states have been part of the global capitalist system. None have extricated themselves from it. None have eliminated the idea of capital or the practice of wage slavery.
Capital is the true god of this world.
*some good references on state:
Highly recommended book on state capitalism (also excellent for clarifying what capitalism is)
"State Capitalism: The Wages System Under New Management" by Adam Buick and John Crump
free pdf: https://files.libcom.org/files/State%20Capitalism.pdf
@RD4Anarchy @mnutty @MycenaeanAtlas There is something very interesting going on in China tho. While clearly state capitalist, it also is embedding the CPC (workers control) in every large/medium business. It looks like a gradual transitional exercise. Their billionaires are also declining. How do you transition to socialism without drawing attacks from the capitalist world? You set up Potemkin villages I suspect.