Went wandering in Monivea Woods today and came across an old ice house
@stancarey Cool! I've never seen this kind of structure or heard the term Ice House in Ireland or in this context before. Is it like a cellar for food storage? Or a shelter?
@deborahrosereeves They're like proto-fridges. My introduction to them was Minette Walters's novel The Ice House, which is centred on one, but I'd never seen one before today! (Somehow I missed the one in Woodstock in Kilkenny when I visited there.) Not sure how common they are in Ireland
@stancarey I love it. It makes sense that they'd exist in Ireland as much as anywhere else - I've just never come across one in my wanderings... I hope what few remain will be protected/preserved as they are.
@stancarey that reminds me of the root cellar my dad made when I was little.
@stancarey Up in the wooded area near Dangan nurseries/the IDA park opposite where the Westwood hotel used to be in Newcastle, there's a sort of man-made cave/bunker, which I suspect may have been a similar sort of a yoke at one point. I'm probably way off though - someone else may have a better idea.. #galway
I vaguely recall an old stone structure near the entrance to the Larch Hill Scout campground in Tibradden that was called the Icehouse, but it's been a while since I was up there.
@stancarey @Sliotar There's definitely one in Lough Key forest park, but it's well advertised.
@FintanH There's a couple of unusual structures up that direction. I don't think I've come across the cave/bunker, though
This house is immune to boulders thrown by giants.