Public1hDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 5 - The Lost Gold Mine (of Charlotte) - BBC SoundsNeddie's odd discovery in some meatloaf sparks a trip to America to make his fortune.#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
Public1dDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente!'s Half Hour - Series 4 - Back From Holiday - BBC SoundsAfter a disastrous break, the Lad discovers Sid's rented his house out. From October 1956.#HancocksHalfHour#TonyHancock#BillKerr…and 8 more 0
Public1dDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 7 - What's My Line? - BBC SoundsCan anyone guess the unusual professions in a special edition of the 1950s TV quiz?#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
Public1dDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 7 - The Mystery of the Fake Neddie Seagoons - BBC SoundsWith the revelation that Neddie was once mass-produced, can the original be found?#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
Public2dDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 10 - The Last Smoking Seagoon - BBC SoundsNed is quitting nicotine, but Grytpype-Thynne has other ideas. End of the regular series.#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
Public3dDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 10 - The Silver Doubloons - BBC SoundsNeddie Seagoon must plunder a sunken Spanish galleon.#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
Public6dDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente!'s Half Hour - Series 5 - The Scandal Magazine - BBC SoundsThe Lad takes action when a scurrilous article alleges he cavorted with a cigarette girl.#HancocksHalfHour#TonyHancock#BillKerr…and 8 more 0
Public6dDeka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente!'s Half Hour - Series 4 - Back From Holiday - BBC SoundsAfter a disastrous break, the Lad discovers Sid's rented his house out. From October 1956.#HancocksHalfHour#TonyHancock#BillKerr…and 8 more 0
PublicMar 6Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente!'s Half Hour - Series 3 - The Test Match - BBC SoundsMCC chairman Sid makes the Lad England's cricket captain, but bets on Australia to win.#HancocksHalfHour#TonyHancock#BillKerr…and 8 more 0
PublicMar 5Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 7 - What's My Line? - BBC SoundsCan anyone guess the unusual professions in a special edition of the 1950s TV quiz?#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
PublicMar 4Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 7 - Personal Narrative - BBC SoundsIt’s 1662. Neddie commands HMS Resolute as the Dutch fleet attacks.#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
PublicMar 3Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Missing Hancocks - Series 3 - The Racehorse - BBC SoundsHarry Secombe has 10 bob left, so Bill opts to spend it on a horse.#TheMissingHancocks#HarrySecombe#BillKerr…and 8 more 0
PublicMar 2Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Missing Hancocks - Series 3 - The Racehorse - BBC SoundsHarry Secombe has 10 bob left, so Bill opts to spend it on a horse.#TheMissingHancocks#HarrySecombe#BillKerr…and 8 more 0
PublicMar 2Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Missing Hancocks - Series 3 - The Crown Jewels - BBC SoundsBill and Harry get caught up in Sid's plot to steal the crown jewels.#TheMissingHancocks#HarrySecombe#BillKerr…and 8 more 0
PublicFeb 28Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente!'s Half Hour - Series 1 - Cinderella Hancock - BBC SoundsBill bans the Lad from the National Film Ball, but then there's a knock at the door.#HancocksHalfHour#TonyHancock#MoiraLister…and 8 more 0
PublicJan 21Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Goon Show - Series 9 - The Mountain Eaters - BBC SoundsEccles and Ned set out to scoff Everest, with Grytpype-Thynne and Moriarty in pursuit.#TheGoonShow#PeterSellers#HarrySecombe…and 6 more 0
PublicDec 24, 2024 *Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Bear by Michael Bond - 2. Bear in Hot Water - BBC SoundsPaddington Bear takes his first bath.#PaddingtonBear#BearInHotWater#MichaelHordern…and 12 more 0
PublicDec 21, 2024Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Missing Hancocks - Series 4 - Department Store Santa - BBC SoundsHancock is forced to stop claiming benefits, so takes up a new position as Santa.#TheMissingHancocks#HancocksHalfHour#TonyHancock…and 8 more 0
PublicJul 22, 2024Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! Chilton - Space Force - Series 1 - 2. Towards the Unknown - BBC SoundsThe crew's Magnus Carter reveals the true nature of their new mission.#SpaceForce#SciFi#ClassicBritishScienceFiction…and 4 more 0
PublicApr 27, 2024Deka Black @DekaBlack@mastodon.socialHora de #TootPause ¡Sed wena gente! - Miss Marple - A Murder Is Announced - Episode 5 - Episode 5 - BBC SoundsConfessions all round, as 'Pip' and the murderer are revealed. But where is Miss Marple?#MissMarple#ClassicBritishCrimeDrama#ClassicBritishRadio…and 3 more 0