Für #MissMarple-Fans - eine Rezension neuer Geschichten rund um die ältliche Detektivin: https://www.koelner-leselust.de/12-neue-geschichten-rund-um-miss-marple/
Für #MissMarple-Fans - eine Rezension neuer Geschichten rund um die ältliche Detektivin: https://www.koelner-leselust.de/12-neue-geschichten-rund-um-miss-marple/
#neuhier #vorstellung
Hi, ich bin Ruth M. Fuchs und #Krimiautorin. In meiner Reihe "Erkül Bwaroo ermittelt" löst ein Elfendetektiv mit großem Schnurrbart und noch größerem Ego Kriminalfälle.
Ich nenne das gerne: „#AgathaChristie trifft #brudergrimm.“
Außerdem sind da noch die #Krimireihe „Ein Fall für Annamirl“ in denen eine Rentnerin als Bayerische #MissMarple Mordfälle aufklärt, und "Quirins Mordfälle", wo Hauptkommissar Quirin Kammermeier ermittelt.
Alle drei sind #spannend und mit #humor
Jane Marple is described as an attractive, thin, old lady, with a twinkle in her blue eyes. Her hobbies include gardening, Knitting and gossiping.
10 things you might not know about Agatha Christie's Miss Marple.
Getting comfy by immersing myself in Marple Expert on Wickedness by Mark Aldridge #MissMarple #AgathaChristie @bookstodon #Reading #NonFicNov #Books
3 things about George Pollock’s MURDER MOST FOUL [1964]
1. A ratty coat she swore was mink.
2. Timer-triggered stove.
3. Searching for someone to play the housekeeper.
New copy of an old favourite!
"Do you mean to tell me," demanded Colonel Bantry, "that there's a dead body in MY library?"
Most people would be worried about the deadness of the body. Not the Bantrys! For them it's the audacity of its place!
If I were a detective in a murder investigation I think I'd want to take a second look at a witness who, it transpires, has been closely associated with at least 14 other mysterious deaths.
Yet no one ever suspects Miss Marple, is it because she has her sweet old lady schtick down to a tee?
wow. I was going over an old (very) blog and came across these glorious posts!!!!
I'm currently enjoying a rather nice bottle of #malbec and watching #missmarple
Living the dream on a Saturday evening.
@vees My server is "Murgatroyd" ... and another is "Hinchcliffe".
I think my server names are safe!
“There is a great deal of wickedness in village life.” #spinsterseptember #missmarple
September has been a month where I deliberately kept involvement in any events or challenges light; October will see a week of intense reading for 1970 so I'm trying to plan ahead a little for that (although we all know how my plans usually go...) However, one event I did want to take part in was #SpinsterSeptember; organised by the lovely Nora, who posts on Instagram as…
Very disappointed. Not one of her recommendable ones. Great characters of course, but mostly dull and loaded with Imperialism, bigotry, sectarianism and classist shite. Bin it.
Auf #one gibt es derzeit eine #MissMarple Variante. Habe gerade „Die Tote in der Bibliothek“ an - alle 3 Teile haben in der deutschen Fassung eine grauenhafte Akustik!
Stimmen mal extrem leise, dann wieder sehr laut. Auch wenn zwei Personen nebeneinander stehen. Musik viel lauter - außer sehr laute Stimmen die ähnlich laut sind.
Ist da ne Katze über die Kompressor Regler gelaufen oder was ist da passiert?! Sehr anstrengend
Have a #nap or watch #MissMarple? Tough choice.
#TheHobbit is still my favourite book, but I also like #MissMarple, #Poirot, and #SherlockHolmes. #TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy series is great. So is #Discworld by #TerryPratchett. Enjoyed #EarthSea series.
I like to drink #Tea, especially #GreenTea. Enjoy animated shows like #Daria, #Amphibia, #TheOwlHouse, #ScoobyDoo, #GravityFalls, #BobsBurgers, #SpyXFamily, #InvaderZim, #DuckTales, #AvatarTheLastAirbender, #SpongeBob, and other
Occasionally watch some #KDrama
Refurbished #ThinkPad user