Updated Dublin event listings spreadsheet. New things include: forest bathing, David Lean films, a trip on a train, gigs that are already sold out, and much much more.

Updated Dublin event listings spreadsheet. New things include: forest bathing, David Lean films, a trip on a train, gigs that are already sold out, and much much more.
Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. Bit of a jazz focus to the new gigs, but not exclusively so. Also an exciting event for goths. And other things.
Updated Dublin events listing spreadsheet. Various cool films, an NSFW exhibition, new concerts, and some theatre events.
Big update of my Dublin listings spreadsheet. New items are dominated by a selection of films on in the film festival that looked interesting to me and weren't booked out, and by the New Music Dublin festival in and around the National Concert Hall. But there are others things. See for yourself.
Updated Dublin event listings spreadsheet. New additions include what might be too many of the Smock Alley new writing season productions but also some cool new gigs from Enthusiastic Eunuch, a rare Dublin gig by Josephine Foster, and more.
Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. The IFI's Ingmar Bergman season dominates the new additions but there are other new film things, as well as newly added gigs, theatre, conventions and other events (as well as all the stuff that was already there).
Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. New editions mostly music and theatre, but also events from the Classics Now festival. I am particularly interested in the play about Stalin and Bulgakov.
Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. Feel the events. Lots of newly added stuff, lots of stuff that was added previously.
Exciting Dublin listings spreadsheet update. Many cool things added, notably films and music, including SAXON.
#Dublin #listings #DublinListings #GigListings
Updated Dublin events listing spreadhsheet. Notable new additions include a Polish film festival (including a screening of 1980s Channel 4 red triangle staple "SEXMISSION"), various other films, a Christmas jazz fair, concerts, theatrical events, exhibitions, etc.
Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. New additions include a zine launch, a whisky tasting, demonstrations, gigs, exhibitions, a general election, film screenings, Trinity alumni get togethers, etc.
Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet, with no hoax events.
Exciting Dublin listings spreadsheet. New additions include a lot of one-off film screenings but also some cool music stuff.
A small update of my Dublin listings spreadsheet - new additions include a gallery opening tomorrow and some oddball events.