Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. New editions mostly music and theatre, but also events from the Classics Now festival. I am particularly interested in the play about Stalin and Bulgakov.

Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. New editions mostly music and theatre, but also events from the Classics Now festival. I am particularly interested in the play about Stalin and Bulgakov.
Exciting Dublin listings spreadsheet update. Many cool things added, notably films and music, including SAXON.
#Dublin #listings #DublinListings #GigListings
A small number of additions to the Crackdown listings spreadsheet. Mostly Smock Alley theatre stuff (notably two Pinter plays at the start of December) but also a new Enthusiastic Eunuch show.
Updated Crackdown listings spreadsheet! New additions mostly from the world of cinema (IFI French Festival but also noir films in the Lighthouse), but also gigs and various solidarity events.
Updated Dublin listings spreadsheet. Tell your friends if they want to know what's going down, but only if they like cool stuff and are not event people.
Updated Dublin events listing spreadsheet! A few too many Dublin History Festival talks added perhaps, but there are also some important new films, gigs, and other events.
#Dublin #listings #GigListings
I have updated my spreadsheet of Dublin events. One formatting change - as well as the existing tabs for the various event types, I have added a new tab showing all events in one place.
Crackdown listings update! New gigs include a rare live appearance by Cormorant Tree Oh, an afternoon concert of sitar & tabla, an album launch by Landless, Gary Louris of the Jayhawks, Teddy Thompson of a Bene Gesserit folkie breeding programme, local supergroup Poor Creature, and another November club night from the A Love From Outer Space people.
#music #Dublin #listings #gigs #GigListings
Updated Crackdown listings spreadsheet! Newly gigs include Playback performing Stop Making Sense, Gaudete Singers performing music by women composers, Martin Carthy performing folk music, and Godspeed You! Black Emperor possibly platforming a guy who doesn't see why he shouldn't read you his poetry.
#Dublin #listings #GigListings