Got my hair trimmed today. While discussing how to style it w my stylist the Ramones were evoked, which at the best of Philly 2 years running Heavy Metal Hair Salon, is a good thing.
Got my hair trimmed today. While discussing how to style it w my stylist the Ramones were evoked, which at the best of Philly 2 years running Heavy Metal Hair Salon, is a good thing.
#Salon des #Viticulteurs à #Chaudfontaine
Nos vignerons sont heureux de retrouver le chaleureux public calidifontain pour présenter leurs meilleurs crus avec leur convivialité légendaire ! Des vignerons choisis pour la qualité de leurs produits, en direct du producteur. Bar et petite restauration sur place. Plus d’une dizaine d’appellations couvrant la France viticole, sans oublier l’Italie et la Belgique. Avec, cette année encore, de succulents produits de bouche.
Dans le cadre du Le Printemps des Poètes, pour sa 26e édition, le Marché de la Poésie de Bordeaux vous accueillera du 20 au 23 mars 2025 sous la Halle des Chartrons.
34 éditeurs indépendants, 19 auteurs en rencontres et tables rondes, 3 spectacles, 2 ateliers d'écriture !
#poesie #printempsdespoetes #marchedelapoesie
#salon #festival #rencontre #lecture #maisondeditionindependante
Via #Salon @ 6:00am ET on Feb 23, 2025
#Trump's Ukraine peace "plan": A massive #betrayal of America's friends
Blaming #Ukraine for the last three years of #war, while crediting #Russia's "nobility" for not wiping the #Ukrainian nation off the map in response, and parroting the #Kremlin’s line about ousting #VolodymyrZelenskyy so #Russia can finish what it failed to do on the battlefield — this is all three at once: scandalous, absurd and an outright disaster.
#Blegny-Mine, ce n’est pas que du charbon, on y accueille aussi le 28ème #Salon du #Vin !
Le Salon du Vin de Blegny Mine est une organisation des Oeuvres scolaires communales de Saint-Remy en collaboration avec la confrérie des « Peûres di Sint R’Mey » et la confrérie des « Maisses Houyeûs dè payis d´Lîdje » avec le soutien de la Wallonie, de la Province de Liège, de la commune de Blegny, du Domaine Touristique de Blegny-Mine, Unité Scoute 12 BM de Blegny.
Préparatifs en cours pour ce superbe salon ce week-end...
Montreuil-Bellay avec tous les métiers autour du Livre d'art : graveurs, fabricant d'outils, parcheminiers, fabricant de papier, créateur de papier dominoté, créateur de papier marbré, enlumineur, calligraphe, relieurs, bouquiniste...
Clothaire se sent déjà prêt !
A bientôt pour vous y rencontrer.
#salon #livre #Montreuil-Bellay #gravure #calligraphie #enluminure #art #papier #artiste #book
Was unterscheidet einen #Salon von einer #Soiree? Darüber waren sich selbst Sprecher des 19. Jahrhunderts nicht immer einig. Mehr zu dem damaligen gesellschaftlichen Modewort in unserer heutigen #Wortgeschichte:
A #Salon Hair Wash Can Be a Serious Health Threat, Expert Says
Signs of BPSS include headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, blurred or narrowed vision, nausea, vomiting, pain in the neck and some paralysis on one side of the body – some patients also report a near loss of consciousness.
Studies suggest that these symptoms may be delayed, making it difficult for doctors to diagnose BPSS rather than a conventional stroke.
Why the legacy media suddenly sound like #BernieSanders
by #NolanHigdon 13 January 2025
Higdon is the author of the #book '#TheAnatomyOfFakeNews
Via #Salon @ 10:06am ET on Dec 26, 2024
President-elect #DonaldTrump had a far-reaching #Christmas wish this year: sovereignty over #Canada, #Greenland and parts of #Panama.
Across more than 40 posts to his #TruthSocial platform on Christmas Day – most of which came over the span of an hour – the president-elect mused about American control of three different allies.
Meet #QueerHawk, #Ireland's first #LGBTQ+ #barbershop and #salon.
“People are coming from far and wide for this #safespace, and it’s just amazing for us to reassure us that we’re doing the right thing, that we’re on the right track".
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Grooming #Beauty #Representation #Culture
The place I get my hair done is *the best salon in the world*. When my photographer told me that my first thought was "wait, really?", but then I realize...yeah, it probably is. And that's why I love LA: I can be blonde and beautiful here like nowhere else.
Besides crucifying Musk the #Salon article is also clear about
'the work of fake-philosopher Curtis #Yarvin, who has a prolific body of writing that can be summarized as "it's bad when people who know stuff make decisions."
Scientists, academics, journalists — anyone who has developed an expertise in something other than making money, really — are all sneeringly dismissed. He loathes every instance when knowledge is linked to power, and know-how informs decision-making. '
Via #Salon, 9:25am ET on Dec 03, 2024
A 2024 #PewResearch Center poll found that a remarkable 73 percent of adult Americans believe a #FreePress is either extremely or very important to the well-being of society—though only a third of those polled believe that US #media are completely free to report news.
Victorian-era #nipple #piercing? Yes! In a Parisian #salon, naturally.
I just remembered the time I tracked down a long exchange of detailed letters in an ancient volume of the #Victorian periodical English Mechanic and the World of Science, all about Constance and her little sister Millie who went to the 1889 #Paris Exhibition and came home with #pierced #nipples. It's big fun!