Zikaden breiten sich aus: Niedersachsens Kartoffelernte bedroht?
Landwirte sind wegen des Schädlings besorgt. Die CDU fordert im Niedersächsischen Landtag Maßnahmen.
Discovery of zebra mussel in N.B. raises alarm over spread of invasive species
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans found an adult zebra mussel on a dock in the St. John River near Mactaquac last December, raising concerns that the invasive species is spreading throughout the province with potentially damaging impacts.
#environment #species #alarm #Mactaquac #StJohnRiver #News
723 #ClimateEmergency #Alarm #Predictions
Scientists warned us very much sooner with the predictions.
Climate models could be wrong, in a bad way.
"Climate models are getting it wrong! What's going on?" [12:28 min]
by Just Have a Think
Quote by JHaT:
"Mar 2, 2025
Modern climate models are incredibly sophisticated machines. And with the advent of artificial intelligence they're getting better all the time. But they're still not able to accurately reflect what's actually going on in the real world. So, should we be relying on them any more?"
#TakeCareForLife #TakeCareForEarth
#StopBurningThings #StopEcoside #StopThePlunder
#ClimateBreakDown #StopRapingNature
Natuur gaat achteruit door slechte kwaliteit van water
This verbatim transcript of the interview Sean #Hannity did with #Musk and #Trump is terrifying in its stupidity:
At least the transcription (AI?), shows it for what it is, with all the broken sentences, broken grammar, broken interaction, broken people, and broken ideas.
The worst of us has fallen upwards.
Decoy Killswitch Triggers Alarm Instead https://hackaday.com/2025/02/17/decoy-killswitch-triggers-alarm-instead/ #TransportationHacks #dummyswitch #killswitch #caralarm #security #alarm #decoy #relay
W moim życiu, jak u każdego mężczyzny nadszedł czas, gdy muszę wysmarkać komunikat o infekcji i zabrać się za jęczenie.
#alarm #smuteczek #infekcja #CzyBędęŻyłPoPołudniu
#art #alarm #smartphone #graphicdesign #picto #signalisation #presquepective
Gonna try out Sleep As Android for my alarm app. I don't need much, but I do need odd/even week alarm schedules, which seem to be a rarity in alarm apps.
Been using #AlarmDroid forever, but it hasn't seen an update since 2022, and I fear that at some time it'll get booted off the Play Store for being unmaintained.
#alarm : any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger
- French: alarme
- German: Der Alarm
- Italian: allarme
- Portuguese: alarme
- Spanish: alarma
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
Pick your poison and boost it because it's important to know
"I _______ when I finally find the perfect spot/position in bed and I'm finally feeling comfy but I'm only 10 minutes away from the alarm"
If you have been waking up late due to delayed or inaudible iPhone alarms, you’re not alone. Apple acknowledged the issue in April, promised a fix, but iPhone users are still seeing alarm malfunctions in iOS 18.2.1.
#apple #ios1821 #iphone #alarm
Thanks to @nlnet and their funding, the #Python libraries #icalendar and recurring-ical-events support calculating #alarm times in #ics files.
Now, you can create Python scripts that react to you setting an alarm in your favourite calendar app!
Wer braucht Wecker, wenn es Feueralarm gibt? Guten Morgen, #Hamburg.
Przy okazji porządków na dysku znalazłem melodie alarmów, których kiedyś używałem, a w przypadku podpiętej empetrójki próbowałem używać. Po jednej czy dwóch pobudkach zastąpiłem ją czymś innym, bo ta wściekła radosność mocno gryzła się z moim nastawieniem o poranku.
Got refund, left 1-star warning and did the obvious, crack the thing open.
Test button works, status LED flashes and yet, never mind smoke, even shoving some tin foil inside the detector causes no alarm.
It has what looks like an IR LED and a photo diode, but the LED isn't lit. It's not even powered. Great battery life, I'm sure.
This is a complete fake that can never work. 1000+ sold, proclaims the listing. That's a lot of potentially burning to your death.