I released ADVENTURE! Make Your Own TTRPG Adventure today, a new guide from Skeleton Code Machine. Art by Evlyn Moreau.
Read it here: https://www.skeletoncodemachine.com/p/adventure-preorder
I released ADVENTURE! Make Your Own TTRPG Adventure today, a new guide from Skeleton Code Machine. Art by Evlyn Moreau.
Read it here: https://www.skeletoncodemachine.com/p/adventure-preorder
[P] 2013 is as far as OpenCritic goes back and, nope, nothing. It's juat striking me how long it's been since I bought an AAA game. Portal 2 might actually have been the last wheeze for me befors AAA became SSS. It's so important to me that a game have a voice: in its aesthetic, its gameplay, its story. I just haven't seen that in an AAA game in forevsr. And if you were to tell me that Portal 2 is more AA than AAA? I might've never enjoyed an 'AAA' game.
#gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
[P] Ah... Hm. Tacoma? Finding Grace? Firewatch? Subnautica? Call of the Sea? Anything I can think of is AA/Indie. I'm not sure if Sonic counts as it doesn't really have the vibe of SSS. It isn't Soulless Slop Slurry. I really can't... I might actually have to look back on OpenCritic to find the last time I was excited about an AAA game. I really think it might've been Portal 2. I can't figure out what the tippingpoint from AAA to SSS is. It's confounding.
#gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
[P] I've juat been playing Neurodiver and Cavern of Dreams with a huge grin on my face. They're both so passionately, sincerely, earnestly weird and that's what I want out of a game, not soulless slop that's meant to be people-pleasing, where it feels like one has to be some kind of narcissist or sociopath (or both) to enjoy half of it. It's just so much nothing. When was the last time an AAA game had a voice? Portal 2? And since that? Errr...
#gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
[P] The thing is is that there might've been something after Portal 2, but it's so hard to recall as everything's been drowned out in what AAA has been for more than a decade. Right now, AAA is more aptly monikered SSS—Soulless Slop Slurry. I see creative minds junping ship left and right to join AA or indie teams and... honestly? The SSS industry is set to crash. I nake that distinction, as AAs and indies will be just fine.
#gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
[P] Hm. If there's anything my current experiences have taught me? If I want to play an actually good game, either grab an old title (like Thief), an AA (like Subnautica; Below Zero), or an indie (like Cavern of Dreams). I honestly can't gst over the state of AAA games right now. I'm straining my mind to remember when the last good one was. It's kind of an emp5y void that begins after Portal 2 ends. There must've been something decent after that, right... ?
#gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
When you think about the fact that the set of dice roll modifiers which render a positive integer total is (countably) infinite, we sure do spend a lot of time in one little corner of the space huh
The challenge is to choose 20 games that greatly influenced you.
One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, no particular order.
Day 2
Duke Nukem 3D
@kellshaw I try to put in there the stuff I actually need to know in a game. So, specifics on how to handle skills, magic, some hints for designing wilderness, towns, dungeons, events and wanderers. Tables for naming things. Law & order system is vital in my games.
I figure anyone reading that far into an RPG knows how to GM more or less, but they need genre-specific help.
Our 18th annual game design challenge has launched!
Topic: #Communication
Submit ideas by March 24th
$10,000 in cash prizes
Critiques for all Finalists
Please boost to reach #gamedevs, #designers, #artists, #writers, #composers, and more.
Presented by an award-winning #nonprofit program producing videogames for #violence #prevention since 2008.
Details, rules, communication resources at the contest website.
#games #gamedev #indiedev #gamedesign #gamejam #nonprofit #education #edtech @gamedev
Weekend time means Seed of Life time!
Currently still working on the dungeon, so let Hope show you around
The challenge is to choose 20 games that greatly influenced you.
One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, no particular order.
Day 1
Team Fortress (Quake version!)
The challenge is to choose 20 games that greatly influenced you.
One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, no particular order.
Day 20
Clinical Trial
An entire day wasted with calculating lightmaps. One of these days I'll have to upgrade my hardware! #gamedev #mazestalker #gamedesign #indiegame
[P] This is why the world's more civilised places have retired the likes of ECT/ICT and ABA. It juat doesn't stick. Anyone who's had these horrors enacted upon them suffers brain damage later on. It can affect motor control, reasoning, memory, and so on. This is because the processes used to bring about the result of that self-delusion are incredibly damaging. The "lucky" ones can get away with "just" cPTSD. It's really that bad, yes.
#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
[P] The mind is willing to lie if it finds itself in a situation it finds upsetting. The brain has a remarkable capacity for self-delusion—at least, for a time. This state of self-delusion can even appear "healthy" as the processes of the brain are doing what they think is necessary to make the suffering end. It can make brainwashing seem effectice initially, but all it really does is lead to long-term poor heapth and trauma. Hardly ideal.
#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
[P] On the flipside, Neurodiver was exactly what the doctor ordered.
[S] Hooray for healing minds! My favourite thing to do!
[P] As incredible as it is, though? That ending is... mh. It's something I see in media a lot and it's based upon deeply flawed older studies that pseudosciency types have clung to. That happens, sometimes. Phrenology was a thing for a depressingly long time. Anyway, the issue is with merging—it never works.
#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign #videogames
Started working on a new sci-fi OSE setting. Did a blog about it for folks that might be interested.
#Bri-Fi #scifi #OSR #OSE #OldSchoolEssentials #ttrpg #gamedesign #showyourwork #osrArt
The challenge is to choose 20 games that greatly influenced you.
One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, no particular order.
Day 19
To the Moon