#gardening report: pruned the honeysuckle, some of the salvia, and the Shasta Daisy (and wow, do they stink when cut....makes me seriously wonder why rabbits eat them...peeeuuuu). #spring #pruning #perennials
#gardening report: pruned the honeysuckle, some of the salvia, and the Shasta Daisy (and wow, do they stink when cut....makes me seriously wonder why rabbits eat them...peeeuuuu). #spring #pruning #perennials
#pruning advice please! I thought this little #CherryTree was dead; is it too late to do a winter pruning? Our cold weather was about two week of frosty nights, last month. The buds are showing green, just.
Also, all the buds are at the very ends of the branches - *can* i prune them without starving it? Prune a fraction, maybe?
I’m trying to follow _Grow A Little Fruit Tree_, am at the 3rd year.
Trying to save this birch that has been treated poorly by the previous guy. He left a long stump to get infected and rot.
I cut the stump and trimmed the rot away, then painted it with limewash (it's quite warm today), we'll see in summer how it will cope.
If not, I'll have to fell it. It's leaning towards the road and we don't need it falling on some stupid BMW SUV.
Turn tough pruning into an easy job with the STIGA PR100e battery-powered pruning saw. A great help for less-able gardeners with a handy extension pole - lightweight too!
#gardening #gardeningtools #STIGA #pruning #pruningsaw
I have been pruning a little bit and have a couple more examples of how plants seal wounds and compartmentalise disease. The 1st one is a pruned branch where the disease was compartmentalised on white weeping mulberry. #horticulture #plants #pruning
I did something rather atypical for me (but very Dutch) and I'm rather pleased with the result. An elderly guy was mutilating his mature apple trees the way people do around here, so I stopped the bike and told him he was ruining his trees. Amazingly, he did listen to my explanation and tomorrow I'm going to help him! I
working on old apple trees!
#pruning #winter
Winter's the best time to prune grapevines! Dormant vines are less stressed by cuts & it's easier to see the structure for precise pruning. This encourages healthy growth & better fruit in spring! #grapevine #pruning #winter #gardening #wine
An afternoon of dodging showers to start winter pruning with added bonus of snowdrops and scented sweet box. Here's my guide to late winter pruning:
Here is River. They are the #WellandCommunityOrchard coordinator/educator for the 2025 Winter #FruitTrees #pruning #apprenticeship program - funded by local #FoodSecurity #nonprofit organization, #LifecyclesProject. Today was day 1 of the hands on apprenticeship learning program which runs for just over a month.
Here, River is giving a pruning saw demo on a dwarf apple tree.
Back from my social media break - a very happy New Year to all my followers! If gardening's on your agenda, here's an updated list of jobs for January, organised week-by-week. Bear in mind, this if for the UK! A little pinch of Viola Pot Pourri.
Oh, it stopped raining, let's do something outside, like trim that massive juniper bush that's growing into the driveway.
Several hours and 5 wheelbarrows full of trimmings later, the bush is _somewhat_ under control again and there was just enough daylight left to fetch firewood.
Underneath another structure. Looks like a collapsed dog house or something. Even with all the rain we had the soil there was bone dry.
Help shape #Sacramento’s future urban #forest at this free #pruning workshop - City Express https://sacramentocityexpress.com/2024/11/12/help-shape-sacramentos-future-urban-forest-at-this-free-pruning-workshop/
Spent a pleasant hour or two on the #allotment #pruning summer fruiting #raspberries and #blackcurrants. #deadheaded the climbing rose over the gate while I was at it.
#Pruning in an orchard is almost over. It takes me many seasons to rejuvenate some older trees like this Lukasówka, because we cannot cut off too much at once.
Made it. Lovely weather, little traffic and the trailer handled well.
Got stuck right in trimming some branches that were touching the house to make it harder for the monster in the attic to climb in and out.
Also found a gap under the roof that looked like it may be the entrace. Shoved a piece of metal in. We'll hear tonight if that was a success.
A couple of years ago I helped a friend cut back this extremely long horizontal branch with my chainsaw. I have dragged the branch I cut off behind the ladder. NOTE: while I think this is a cool picture in almost ALL cases this is NOT a safe way to use a chainsaw on a ladder, don't do this at home!
Got a bit carried away testing the repaired saw and pruned all the fruit trees.
Early, but with the leaves still on I found a few dead branches I'd missed last year.
Also removed branches that were hanging into the road off the mirabelle plums.
I hate those mirabelle trees. Never any good fruit, spam a lot of twigs, with thorns, very hard and gnarly wood that is difficult to feed into #HerrSchröder.
#Schwiemu wants to keep them because they hide the neighbours.