#plant #nature #naturephotography #flowers #macro #macrophotography #netherlands #green #silene
This is the first year I've grown campion. The flowers are gorgeous. I'll be getting more for next year. #Gardening #Zone5 #Campion #Silene #Bloomscrolling
Part of my morning ritual is to fix incorrect IDs on iNaturalist for the one species on the planet I'm really, really familiar with, Silene latifolia (my PhD focus). It gives me a quick buzz of competence that lasts several minutes, plus reminds me of good times in graduate school. #silene #dioecy #botany #classification #plants #flowers #inaturalist #caryophyllaceae #WhiteCampion #BladderCampion #BrownUniversity
More Oregon wildflowers; May 2018.
(Apparently Dodecatheon was moved into a subsection of Primula in 2020; but it was a Dodecatheon when I took this photo... )
Tis the season to sew Silene stellata seeds! These little seeds need to be cold stratified to sprout next spring. #Silene
I am also using a multiyear dataset to look at demographic patterns in the medium-lived herbaceous understory plant Silene virginica. #Silene #Demography
Say hello to my little friend. I am currently studying scent preference in the native Hadena ectypa, here seen nectaring on its host plant, Silene stellata. #Hadena #Silene #pollination
Trying Mastadon out, I guess! In case you don't know me, I am an Oklahoman transplant into South Dakota. I study bird and insect reproduction, behavior, and ecology. I am currently dabbling in plant biology as part of my post-doc at South Dakota State University. I love teaching, research, and connecting with people! #STFL #biology #bird #insect #Silene #Hadena #Pogonomyrmex #Tyrannus