put together a little gameplay teaser trailer + rough release date update
some more geometry nodes based level design w/ these fellas
simple VFX breakdown:
generate mask in material maker
3x randomized with different seeds
channel packed into one tiny RGB image
stretched across a TextureRect
additive shader that adds 3 point filtering and chooses a channel based on modulo of time
added speedlines to reward going fast
demonstrating it with the gold medal strat for this level
another easy beginner level
focusing a lot on these now, as there's always a danger with games like this to focus too much on stuff for genre experts, and not leave much for players who are not (yet) genre experts
wrote a little elisp function to help me quickly bring up levels to test with ivy-read
put this off because I thought it'd be time consuming, but ended up being real quick and easy!
this one's for the gamers #gaming
currently sick with flu so please appreciate how many takes this took to get a gold medal time
also a new feature if you can spot it
added a new underwater background theme
added a new background theme for late-game levels: empyrean
wishlist: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3459420/Y2ROLL/
added a cute little boat in the corner that may or may not have lore
working on another world background theme
still need to recreate in-engine but real pleased with how these caustics turned out. additive shader & a whole lotta vtx col manipulation
waiting for store page to be approved, have a capsule in the mean time
more key art render progress
can't seem to get the environment reflected in the sphere without enabling diffuse ray bounces, which also makes the scene look way too overexposed and kills the 90s lighting look
WIP, working on some key art renders
way more than anything actually in the game, this is the bit i'm most worried about getting right
more stage background WIP work
trying out some shader rotation to add more motion