What are you brewing? March 2025
What are you brewing? March 2025
Il lusso di scomparire
Uscire dai social è complicato, spesso mi trovo a pensare:”ma quanto tempo sto perdendo per niente?”. Uno su tutti instagram, seguo solo profili che mi interessano, ma l'algoritmo ha una capacità incredibile di farmi perdere tempo.
#corsa #run #running #runnerpigro #ultrarunner #mastorunning #bike
#blog #change #pintarest #wordpress
#mindfulness #sport
#beer #craft #homebrewing #handmade
Starting a stupid little homebrew for my stupid little mental health. Haven't done so in *months*, last attempt was that failed Dubbel I attempted. So of course, I'm doing a DNEIPA for a departing colleague, something I've only attempted once without complete success.
Fortunately, despite my rust, things went off without a hitch today. Well, maybe save for the fact that my hop processing now has the entire place smelling like pot. Not an aroma tiger cares for in any appreciable concentration. Strata hops, guh...the final product should be worth it, though!
(I do this before mashing, long story involving a non-traditional setup, quite a bit of math, and slightly hand-wavy timing.)
Started a California Gewurztraminer wine this morning. 23 liters starting in a bucket and the OG reading about 1.090.
Preparing for a brewday tomorrow. Have quite a bit of preparation and cleaning to do, before I can brew. #brewing #homebrewery #homebrewing #beer
Extra hoppy beer completed and bottled ( from a Wilko kit plus some hop pellets)
My attempt to revive the wild yeast I collected from the Bahamas that's been lying dormant in a jar in my fridge for 8-9 years seems to have succeeded.
Do any of my #HomeBrewing friends know how to set up a cereal mash in #BrewFather? I can create mash steps but I can't specify that a step is only for a portion of the mash.
Right now it's telling me I need my strike water to be 231.6°F
Latest Adventure in Homebrewing:
The Big DIPA SMaSH - On paper it was planned to be a ~10.5% IPA, but the OG (original gravity) was slightly low - 1.086 instead of 1.105
After 36 hours, fermentation activity is starting to slow & it should level out at around a final gravity of 1.016 for an ABV of ~9.5% with an IBU of ~180.
Jeg har to nye bøger!
People have actually written whole books about Kölsch and about Altbier!
I have had this bottle of saison sitting in a small tub of oxyclean solution near the garage door to help remove the label from the bottle for a few days. I opened the garage door this morning and the sun shone on it for a while and when I came back from working in the yard the bottle had opened itself so I put it in the freezer to cool down for a while and now I'm drinking it.
Hej Lars.
What would you say is the average diameter of the drain hole on a B-type lauter tun?
Drinking a Pilsner Urquell while I brew one. Long day with triple decoction and 120 minute boil. But very much worth it.
It's too nice out to not sit in the sun and drink some saison during my lunch break today.
Hier sind frische Belegexemplare angekommen. Aus diesem Buch habe ich bisher ein Rezept nachgekocht, mehr wird es wohl auch nicht. Aber das nächste mit 500 Seiten leckerem Zeug ist schon in Arbeit.
Any suggestions on what style of beer to make with kernza as ~15% of the grain bill?
I was just going to use it along with pilsner malt for a saison, but if someone has a better idea, I'm listening.